Swimming – Roaring River Information Trout Fishing, Lodging, Dining, Events and Entertainment in the Ozark Mountains http://www.roaringriver.net Roaring River Information Trout Fishing, Lodging, Dining, Events and Entertainment in the Ozark Mountains Wed, 16 Aug 2017 23:29:28 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.26 Swimming at Roaring River http://www.roaringriver.net/swimming/ http://www.roaringriver.net/swimming/#respond Wed, 15 Jun 2016 18:06:11 +0000 http://www.roaringriver.net/dev/?p=94 Roaring River Area Swimming

Many of the resorts, cabins, motels and campgrounds have their own swimming pools, and of course, there is wading and swimming in Zone 2 of the river, which is from the sign at the mouth of Dry Hollow Creek to the old dam in the lower campground. Just ask at the Park Store, and they will let you know. The state park also has a swimming pool open to all visitors. Call 417-847-2330 for pool information and hours. There is a fee for this pool, which is located right across from the park office.

Campground Pool

Campground Pool Near the Park Office

The Cassville Aquatic Center is a nice place to spend the day on a hot afternoon. It’s at 501 Sale Barn Road, and has a big pool area with two water slides, a zero-entry access, diving boards, and fun. It’s open from Memorial Day to Labor Day, but call ahead for hours to make sure; 417-847-8741. As of 2016, it’s open 1pm – 6pm Sunday thru Friday, and 1pm to 8pm on Saturday. It’s open to the public for $4 a person.

Aquatic Center Cassville

Aquatic Center Cassville

Aquatic Center Cassville Missouri

Aquatic Center Cassville Missouri


Cassville Aquatic Center

Cassville Aquatic Center

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